About Me

Hi everyone! I was diagnosed as coeliac in 2009 and since then I have travelled to over 20 countries and figured it was time to share some of my travelling tips and recommendations that I’ve picked up along the way on my very own blog!


Using Instagram for the last year has helped me in more ways than I ever realised it would. I used instagram to help research for some of my travels and thought I’d create my own page to help others back with my knowledge of Central London having worked there and eaten out there regularly since 2010. However, I also found that using Instagram not only helped me gain more tips myself on eating out across the UK and abroad, but more importantly it gave me a much more positive attitude to eating gluten free and finding great food. I started being even more adventurous with where I ate out and loved the support that it gave me from people in the same situation, all things that I’d never bargained for when I started posting pictures primarily of my lunches on the go whilst working on Oxford Street.

Being coeliac has never stopped me travelling and I hate reading about people that are afraid to do so or are too afraid to eat out. So much of my life revolves around the two that I never contemplated giving them up . I have learnt to embrace the challenges that being coeliac brings and the pure joy of finding new safe food that non coeliacs will never understand and I’m hoping that this blog will help share some of my journey, and help others with theirs. At the very least I hope it will help people find great food in London whether it’s making the most of a short trip or looking for a new place to try.


I hope you enjoy my blog and thank you to everyone that has supported me so far.

Thank you –

